Every year, the U.S. celebrates National Seed Swap day on the last Saturday of January. This year, in honor of the day and all it represents, we'd like to highlight some of our offerings that encapsulate the spirit of this occasion. From seed libraries to heritage breeds, these books can offer a wealth of knowledge for you to take to your local seed swap (which you can locate here) and into the future!
Our Recommendations:
Seed Libraries by Cindy Conner
This book is a practical guide to saving seeds through community programs, including:
- Step-by-step instructions for setting up a seed library
- A wealth of ideas to help attract patrons and keep the momentum going
- Profiles of existing libraries and other types of seed saving partnerships
A part of growing movement to preserve and expand our stock of heritage and heirloom varieties through seed saving and sharing opportunities, Seed Libraries is a must-have for seed swappers everywhere. This book is only available while supplies last, so get yours today!
Seed to Seed by Suzanne Ashworth and the Seed Savers Exchange
Considered to be one of the best guide available for beginning or experienced gardeners and the grassroots genetic preservation movement, this title from Seed Savers Exchange offers information on each vegetable listed, including botanical classification, flower structure and pollination, isolation distance, population size, caging or hand pollination, and proper methods to grow, harvest, dry, clean and store seeds.
The Complete Guide to Saving Seeds by Robert Gough and Cheryl Moore-Gough
Concise and comprehensive, this book shows how to collect, save and cultivate seeds from over 300 vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits, trees and shrubs. Seed saving can help save money, preserves rare heirloom varieties and plant diversity, and maintain the genetic adaptations plants have made to their specific environments while being independent from commercial seed companies. This book is only available while supplies last, so be sure to get yours today!
Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener by Joseph Tychonievich
This title explains how to set achievable goals in your breeding program; the ins and outs of genetics; how to pick the best parent plants; how to cross-pollinate; the best techniques to use for popular vegetables and flowers; and how to harvest and store seeds. Essential for the beginning plant breeder, this book is only available while supplies last, so get yours today!
Acres U.S.A. magazines with Seed themes
Acres U.S.A. magazine subscriptions
Acres U.S.A. is the only national magazine that offers a comprehensive guide to sustainable agriculture. Drawing on knowledge accumulated during more than 45 years of continuous publication, we bring our readers the latest techniques for growing bountiful, nutritious crops and healthy, vibrant livestock. A glance at any issue is enough to see why sustainable farming — we call it “eco-agriculture” because it’s both ecological and economical — represents the real revolution in food cultivation. Why wait?
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