May 29th is International Learn About Composting Day, and we're here to help with these hand-picked titles to get you started and mastering the art of composting in no time.
Compost Revolution
Worm composting is a superb alternative to traditional composting methods, which generally suffer from high-energy losses. Working in harmony with the below-surface army of microorganisms, the lowly earthworm is now known to be the true hero in the underground, a soil builder par excellence, not only in nature, but also in garden- and farm-scale composting systems. The breakthrough content in Compost Revolution was long available only as first published in German; it is now available to English-speaking world and is certain to bring a fresh spotlight on the efficacy of vermicomposting.
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The Secret Life of Compost
We don’t need to poison the earth in order to grow better food, and what is harmful to the environment when improperly disposed of often can be turned back to the soil in a beneficial way through composting — if you know how. The Secret Life of Compost is here to show you the way.
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Bokashi Composting
While bokashi has enjoyed great popularity in many parts of the world, it is still relatively unknown in North America. From scraps to soil, Bokashi Composting is the complete, step-by-step, do-it-yourself guide to this amazing process, with comprehensive information covering everything from background to system improvements and more!
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The Organic Composting Handbook
In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the various methods of composting and how to adapt them to your home and garden. With full-color photographs and easy-to-follow instructions, The Organic Composting Handbook will be a welcome addition to every organic gardener’s library.
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Community-Scale Composting Systems
This high-quality, extensive hardback book provides detailed instructions for composting at scales large enough to capture and recycle the organic wastes of a given community, whether a school, neighborhood, or even a small city. Subtitled "A Comprehensive Practical Guide for Closing the Food System Loop and Solving Our Waste Crisis", Community-Scale Composting Systems is the definitive manual on composting, written at a crucial time when communities are just starting to see what the composting movement will ultimately offer our food systems, local and regional economies, and planet.
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View the full Composting Collection here!