Invest in Resiliency.
Farming and ranching are never easy, but the past 12 months have been especially challenging for many farmers, ranchers and agriculture professionals. Facing spring floods, a slowing farm economy and unstable trade avenues, farmers have told us all year that they are looking deeper into their operations for modern, long-term solutions.
This December, at the 2019 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show in Minneapolis, we are focused on practical, developed solutions more than ever. Our agenda is packed with specific ideas on how to eliminate unneeded management expenses, and ways to reach new markets. Plus – in between classes, you can meet a network of professional farmers who believe in one common ethic: scarcity is never the goal, especially with good, sound advice.
Attending this conference is an investment in making your operation more resilient.
This year, you can learn:
- Specific systems to develop soil nutrition, soil mineralization and soil biology;
- Case studies about testing and data methods, which will help you develop your own soil management plan;
- Modern, toxin-free tactics for weed and pest management that won’t degrade that hard work you are putting into the soil;
- Lessons on building soil resilience through improving your field’s energy capacity and nutritional flow;
- Effective and holistic livestock management systems that focus on pasture management, herd health and permaculture techniques;
- New science showing the relationship between microbial life in the soil and the nutritional capacity of the food it is growing;
- ... And much, much more!
Invest in Resiliency – Register for the Eco-Ag Conference today!
Eco-Ag: A Clear Return on Your Investment
We have attendees who show up ever year because their business depends on the innovative methods and proven tactics they can immediately take home and put to work. Here are just a few opportunities to build your own ROI:
Intensive all-day workshops
Ready to break into commercial hemp? Wondering how to balance your calcium and magnesium ratios for premium yields? Eco-Ag U workshops put you in a classroom setting with experts like John Kempf, Dr. Don Huber and Dr. Nasha Winters.
Learn More about Eco-Ag U workshops.
World-class speakers
Fill your notebooks with specific lessons on inputs, soil management, livestock care, marketing and business development, human health and more from our eco-farming experts, including conference all-stars like Gary Zimmer, Edwin Blosser, and Mark Shepard. Also, we welcome our experienced newcomers including David Montgomery, Doug Fine and Meagan Perry Kaiser.
Innovation everywhere
Every conference builds on the one the year before. Throughout the conference and trade show, agriculture professionals will be discussing how they are testing their own innovative systems for soil nutrition, healthy livestock and market adaptation, and how they see the world starting to bridge healthy food and healthy soil.
Personal, expert guidance
Our Consulting Halls are incredibly popular, due to their ability to get specific questions answered from attendees. In between sessions, selected instructors will meet in a small-group Q&A for an hour on the topic at hand. This is your chance to get the big question asked, and answered.
Learn More about Consulting Halls and Round Tables.
A valuable human network
Our attendees say they've gotten as much value out of our world-famous trade show and the hallway conversations as they do from the expert sessions! Take another step toward problem solving in your operation by meeting the amazing people in the Acres U.S.A. Eco-Ag community and walking our trade show floor.
Invest in yourself – Register Today!
In Their Own Words – Conference Testimonials
Here are some responses we've gotten from attendees of our conference in the past:
"This was the best conference for ‘wealth of information’ I’ve ever attended."
“Love this conference! It’s one I greatly look forward to each year. I enjoy the new and more seasoned presenters."
“The vast amount of knowledge at the conference was palpable and I feel fortunate to have learned from some of the leaders in this movement. Thank you for giving Eco Ag a space in the farming world and for giving voice to the regenerative movement. I have so much to think about and apply to my farming operations. THANK YOU!!”
Learn More About the Eco-Ag Conference
Here are some useful links for the 2019 Eco-Ag Conference:
- About page
- Eco-Ag U workshops
- Conference Agenda
- Speaker List and Bios
- Lodging and Venue Information
- Register for the Conference!
If you'd like to get updates and important information about the conference – as well as other Acres U.S.A. news, you can sign up for our News & Announcements newsletter, handily delivered to your email inbox! We will never spam you, and you can always unsubscribe if you aren't getting the information you need. Sign up here!
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