This week, the world celebrates Heritage Breed Week! Livestock are a fundamental part of many farming operations and they have a huge role in agricultural history worldwide. Heritage breed livestock are a staple on many farms, and now it's time to honor them, their contributions and history.
Saving the Guinea Hogs: The Recovery of the American Homestead Breed
Saving the Guinea Hogs, a narrative nonfiction book, is the first definitive history of the Guinea Hog breed. Rich in historically accurate information, it is easy to read and full of colorful characters. It is a comprehensive overview of the people who raised Guinea Hogs from 1940 to 1995, told in their own words and enlightening stories. Author Cathy R. Payne states that she wants these hogs to still thrive in the year 2120 for the enjoyment of her great grandchildren. These homestead hogs are survivors worth preserving for future generations!
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Organic Livestock Handbook
This practical guidebook, assembled from the experience of livestock producers across North America, explains the principles of organic livestock husbandry and includes chapters on animal welfare, nutrition and health care, and converting to organic methods. Organic Livestock Handbook provides information on various management tools available to the farmer.
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Herd Bull Fertility
Herd Bull Fertility will teach you how to recognize whether a bull is fertile even before the semen test. This manual, generously illustrated with photographs and diagrams, is a must for the cattle grower choosing a bull for his breeding program.
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Talking Chicken
Written by poultry expert Kelly Klober, offers valuable insight into rare, heritage and heirloom breed selection, chick raising, breeding and marketing so you can start your own fully sustainable heritage chicken flock and raise eggs or meat for your family or small farm business. Talking Chicken introduces birds that can and should be producing for today’s marketplace – for consumers that have come to value locally bred and grown, historically significant agricultural food.
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Dirt Hog
This comprehensive manual on raising hogs the natural way includes sections on housing and fencing, selection and breeding, herd maintenance, feeds and feeding, marketing and more. In today's market, range-rearing of swine provides the family farm with a key venture for diversification and cash flow-perhaps no other large animal enterprise offers as fast a turnaround on investment, and Dirt Hog is the book to get you started.
Check out the full collection here!