Rebuilding and Nurturing True Wealth
Keynote presentation by Daniela Ibarra-Howell
Friday, Dec. 7, 2018
"Rebuilding True Wealth" requires we reflect on our understanding of wealth, as well as the related concepts of success, productivity and progress. Daniela Ibarra-Howell will take us on a journey through some key principles of abundance seen through the lenses of our ecological, human and financial realities. Inspired by the wisdom of her mentors and global community of practice, she will share insights and highlight practical examples of how we can all be part of regenerating true wealth on our land, in our businesses, in our communities and our planet.
Daniela will focus on the exploration of 3 key aspects of a regenerative agriculture that build true wealth:
Ecosystem processes as a foundation of agriculture and economy. Ecological principles for regenerative agriculture vs practices.
Human and organizational health at the heart of any long-lasting strategy for feeding our world.
Principles of regenerative economies and finance that can inform the design of the new structures to deploy regenerative agriculture.
Daniela will share inspiring real-life examples and tips that can help farmers, ranchers and others involved in the regenerative movement, to design their efforts for true wealth generation.
Read the full agenda and remember to register soon!
Also, learn more about Daniela Ibarra-Howell and The Savory Institute, which were featured on our Tractor Time podcast in October 2018.