Everyone loves a rebel story, right? And eco-farmers and eco-ag supporters know that role as well as anyone – standing up to an established way of thinking and daring to be different, all with the betterment of the world in mind.
Today – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – we think of all those activists, past and present, who inspire us. So we've put together a suggested reading list, from our eco-ag library, featuring the leaders, thought-provokers and, dare we say, rebels who will lead us to a brighter future.
View our full Books for Rebels collection here. Below is a sampling of titles from this collection:
Books for Rebels
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
A true story using a composite of examples drawn from many real communities where the use of DDT caused damage to wildlife, birds, bees, agricultural animals, domestic pets, and even humans. This classic inspired the modern environmental movement, and is recognized as the environmental text that “changed the world.”
A Precautionary Tale by Philip Ackerman-Leist
A Precautionary Tale tells the true story of an unlikely group of activists and a forward-thinking mayor who came together to ban pesticides in the tiny town of Mals, Italy —making it the first place on Earth to accomplish such a feat, and a model for other towns and regions to follow.
The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution by Andrew Mefferd
A comprehensive farmer-developed roadmap showing how no-till lowers barriers to starting a small farm, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, increases efficiency and profitability, and promotes soil health.
Growing A Revolution by David R. Montgomery
Cutting through standard debates about conventional and organic farming, Montgomery explores why practices based on the principles of conservation agriculture help restore soil health and fertility. Growing a Revolution lays out a solid case for an inspiring vision where agriculture becomes the solution to environmental problems, helping feed us all, cool the planet, and restore life to the land.
David R. Montgomery presents "Growing A Revolution" – audio and DVD
Recorded live at the 2019 Eco-Ag Conference and Trade Show in Minneapolis, Minnesota. David Montgomery explores lays out the historical roots of agriculture and soil degradation, and relates his experiences visiting farmers around the world. Then he shares about the practices of innovative farmers who have restored fertility to the land.
More about the audio MP3 file.
The Hidden Half of Nature by Anne Biklé and David R. Montgomery
Restoring life to their barren yard and recovering from a health crisis, scientists David R. Montgomery and Anne Biklé discover astounding parallels between the botanical world and our own bodies. From garden to gut, they show why cultivating beneficial microbiomes holds the key to transforming agriculture and medicine.
Call of the Reed Warbler by Charles Massey
This ground-breaking book will change the way we think of, farm and grow food. Author and radical farmer Charles Massy explores transformative and regenerative agriculture and the vital connection between our soil and our health. It is a story of how a grassroots revolution – a true underground insurgency – can save the planet, help turn climate change around, and build healthy people and healthy communities, pivoting significantly on our relationship with growing and consuming food.
There's more!
View the full Books for Rebels collection.