It’s with a heavy heart that we share the news that Hugh Lovel passed away on Aug. 25, according to his friends and family. He was the author of Quantum Agriculture and A Biodynamic Farm, and spoke at our Eco-Ag Conference many times.

We are all fortunate for his gift of knowledge he gave us, and before he passed, he shared a manuscript to try and teach biodynamics for beginners. We will work with his family to publish that book in his memory, and continue his legacy of being a leader in eco-agriculture.

Hugh Lovel

About Hugh Lovel

Hugh Lovel wrote many articles on radionics, atmospheric reorganization and the biochemical sequencing of the soil. He consulted, spoke and taught on all aspects of agriculture. He was an expert on AgPhysics and the use of biodynamic energy patterns to affect the atmosphere, weather cycles and soil in order to grow the highest quality food.

Lovel built on his formal education in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and psychology to formulate his concepts and developments during more than 30 years of farming, first in the mountains of northern Georgia and later on the tablelands of Tolga, Australia.


1 comment

  • I met Hugh & Shabari at the Mulumbimby Community Garden in Byron Shire
    OZ, while I was doing a Cert. 3 in Permaculture. As part of that course of study a group of us put together a Bio-Dynamic compost pile. With Hugh speaking at the Garden I was not going to let this opportunity pass. Before Hugh spoke I asked him to come over and take a look. Of course he could not get get over to the pile fast enough. He said it looked good however, we should probably turn it, Son. What a moment for me.
    Thanks Hugh, Gods speed.

    Eric Newberger on

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