Eco-Ag Conference Sponsors
Sponsorships provide opportunity to show support of the Eco-Ag community and help bring valuable content to a passionate audience.
Thank you to our 2018 sponsors:
Diamond Sponsors
Eden Solutions | 877-732-5360 |
Midwest Bio-Systems | 815-438-7200 |
Savory | 303-327-9760
Platinum Sponsors
The Andersons | 419-893-5050 |
Nature Safe | 800-743-7413 |
Organic Gem/Great Western Sales | 877-323-3003 |
SoilLife by Organic Solutions | 540-261-1161 |
SQM | 770-916-9422 |
Texas Plant & Soil Lab | 956-383-0739 |
Gold Sponsors
Agri-Dynamics | 610-250-9280 |
Farm Power Implements | 815-308-5740 |
Pacific Gro | 503-867-4849 |
Soil Works LLC | 605-260-0784 |
Silver Sponsors
Bay Shore Sales, LLC | 989-659-2298 |
Midwestern BioAg Inc. | 800-327-6012 |
Neptune’s Harvest | 978-281-1414 |
Bronze Sponsors
Agro Research International | 407-302-6116
Blue River Organic Seed | 800-370-7979
BRANDT® | 800-300-6559 |
Countryside Network | 970-392-4419 |
Environotics Unlimited | 610-417-7248 |
Everbest Organics | 989-659-2599 |
Ozark Organics LLC | 417-345-4300 |
Terreplenish | 847-982-1195 |
Wi-Fi Sponsor
Tainio Biologicals, Inc. | 509-747-5471 |
Podcast Live Sponsorship
AEA | 800-495-6603 |
Charging Station Sponsor
Simple Soil Solutions | 434-547-3198 |
Featured Panel Sponsor
Eco-Ag U Break Sponsors
Midwest Bio-Systems | 815-438-7200 |
Simple Soil Solutions | 434-547-3198 |
Door Prize Sponsors
Ecological Laboratories | 239-573-6650 |
Green Field Farms | 330-263-0246 |
Terreplenish | 847-982-1195 |
Consultant Hall Sponsor
Mutual of Omaha | Kelby DeJarnett | 270-210-0949 |
Sponsorship offers unmatched opportunities to increase visibility and value for your company and products among our large and unique eco-ag audience.
Email to learn more about these opportunities.