Steve Tucker: No-Till and Cover Cropping Video (Download)
This session will be a thoughtful look at the role no-till and cover cropping play in soil health, farm resiliency, profitability, as well as a look at how one converts a large-scale operation to regenerative practices.
Steve Tucker is a dryland, no-till farmer in Venango, Nebraska. The transition of the farm away from conventional methods of tillage to a complete no-till system was not easy. Steve studied and experimented along with his grandfather to find methods that worked on the farm that only averages 14 inches of moisture a year. It didn’t take long to see that no-till farming practices were going to help increase efficiency, soil quality, reduce erosion and increase the bottom line.
1 hour, 0 minutes. Stream and/or download the video after you complete the shopping cart process. (2.0 GB)
Recorded at the 2018 Acres U.S.A. Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, Dec. 4-7, 2018.
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