Soil Educator Appreciation Kit
This product is designed as a starting block for agriculture professionals who are charged with sharing practical and useful soil health information with their audience, whether that is a classroom, extension office, conservation district or agronomy office.
Enjoy the following free offerings from Acres U.S.A.:
• Nicole Masters: Developing a Farmer's Mindset. Listen in on a dynamic workshop from Nicole Masters at the 2022 Eco-Ag Conference and Trade Show, where she walked an audience of experienced ag professionals through examples of how to think in today's rapidly changing ag industry.
• John Kempf: Increasing Profits with Regenerative Agriculture. John Kempf, a leader in the eco-ag industry and successful Ohio farmer, connects the dots to a crowd of Eco-Ag professionals about how soil health techniques can bring economic benefits to your farm or ranch.
• February 2022 Acres U.S.A. Magazine: Our February magazine, themed around Farm Management, exposes farmers to different types of farming systems that incorporate soil health management into their core fundamentals.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.