Regenerative Soil Microscopy: The Science and Methods
A highly visual guide to new methods & breakthroughs in bright field, dark field, manual lighting, & epifluorescence microscopy for examining & evaluating soil, compost, roots, leaves, plant sap, microbes, mycorrhizae, & more. Verify your work is working, & make sure your investment in your inputs & management has been worthwhile with these protocols & methods. This book contains detailed microbe profiles & in-depth case studies as well as DNA test results in comparison across soil, compost, & more, so you will have a powerful reference to guide you in your explorations of the microscopic world!!
About The Author:
Matt Powers is an author, educator, and entrepreneur focused on radically transforming the K-12 experience for children everywhere by aligning their education with current regenerative science, research-based best practices in education, natural principles, and clear ethics: earth care, people care, and future care. Through Matt’s collection of online courses, teacher’s guides, textbooks, and workbooks, K-12 students can understand collegiate and graduate school concepts, learn how to ethically redesign our world, and even restore and rewild large landscapes, reversing the devastating effects of climate change.
Matt’s work is found in English, Arabic, Polish, and Spanish with a dozen more translations currently in process. Matt’s bold vision is to empower children everywhere to live in regeneration where every action and decision are beneficial to the local and greater ecosystemic and social community.
Matt is a former public high school English & Music teacher with a masters in education. Matt provides daily inspirational and regenerative content online and is one of the most-followed permaculture teachers online with over 27,000 Twitter followers and tens of thousands of followers in his many Facebook groups and pages ranging in topics from permaculture education to entrepreneurship to gardening to fungi & more. Read more on
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.