Mike Callicrate: Building a Healthy, Humane, and Fair Food System MP3
Regenerative producers are leading the effort to save our soils, but they can’t sustain their work within the same extractive ag economy that has caused rural economic decline and major soil loss.
Mike Callicrate will discuss the “why” and “how” a better and more profitable pathway to market can exist — one that considers the investments and returns of a new regenerative approach to agriculture and food that heals the land, improves animal welfare and provides farmers, ranchers and workers living incomes, while bringing prosperity back to rural farming and ranching communities.
Mike Callicrate is a farmer-rancher, business entrepreneur and family farm advocate. Widely sought for his expertise on the negative consequences of industrial meat production, he served as an advisor for the films Food Inc. and FRESH and for several best-selling books including Fast Food Nation and The Omnivore’s Dilemma.
1 hour, 4 minutes (23.4 MB)
Recorded at the 2018 Acres U.S.A. Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, Dec. 4-7, 2018.
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