March 2019 Issue PDF
Acres U.S.A., The Voice of Eco-Agriculture, March 2019 | Issue #573 Copyright 2019, Downloadable Copy (24.4 MB), 100 pages
Alternative Poultry
by Tamara Scully
Plenty of farmers have found productive and profitable means of pasturing chickens and turkeys, but some are looking beyond the traditional mainstays.
Confessions of a Corn Entomologist
by Dr. Jonathan Lundgren
Agroecologist and farmer Jonathan Lundgren says it was only when he was open-minded enough to dispose of the untruths of agriculture that he could listen to the lessons that he gleaned about regenerative agriculture from decades of research between the rows.
Biochar as Animal Feed Supplement
by Jack Petree
Many studies and on-farm trials have concluded that biochar can be used effectively to help soil retain water and build soil biology but evidence is growing of its benefits for livestock.
Poultry Breed Selection
by Kelly Klober
Missouri livestock farmer and author Kelly Klober shares tips and considerations for choosing top egg and meat birds to build a productive flock.
The Law of Return
by Anneliese Abbott
This article is the fourth in a series focused on the history of organic agriculture in America and those who played a prominent role in shaping the movement.
Chicken First-Aid
by Lisa Steele
While predator attacks are the most common reason for a chicken to need care, respiratory problems can crop up, as well as digestive problems, impacted crops, or egg binding. Author Lisa Steele shares items needed to stock a handy, effective first-aid kit.
Paper Pot Transplanters for Produce Operations
by Gareth Stacke
The paper pot transplanter is a specialized tool in small-scale farming used for high-density plantings of cut greens, scallions and other row crops, but it’s under scrutiny by the National Organic Program.
Small Farm Yields Big Results
by Jill Henderson
In the pastoral country near Gerald, Missouri, one hour southwest of the sprawling metropolis of St. Louis, Serena and Fred Stuart make the most of farming on 7 acres. Their enterprise is focused on poultry production and heritage hogs and cattle.
Dealing with Herbicide Drift
by John Peragine
Because livelihoods are on the line, frustration and anger over herbicide drift often arise, and conflicts can ensue. John Peragine explores what farmers can do.
Interview: Eric Holt-Giménez
Farmers Supporting Farmers
Advocate, teacher, researcher and author Eric Holt-Giménez discusses the global food system, economics and peasant farmers.
View from the Country
Monthly musings from Acres U.S.A.’s publisher.
Letters to the Editor
Readers share their thoughts on past articles and words of encouragement.
Opinion: Foods of the Future
Farmer Kelly Klober says he suspects there will always be new things arising on the foodie scene — some good, some bad and some just plain ugly.
News in brief from around the world on developments in eco-farming technology, organic food and farming, human health and vital environmental issues.
Mind Your Business
This monthly column focuses on the ins and outs of the business side of farming.
Science on Your Side
Acres U.S.A. highlights recent research and what it means for you.
The Harvest Table: Using the Whole Bird
We all know traditional methods of cooking poultry on the bone result in a tastier dish, a richer sauce and a more satisfying meal. But those bones and skin also hold a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
Stock & Flock: Mini Size, Mighty Benefits
Mike and Evelyn Lafortune of North Milton, Prince Edward Island, Canada, have found a profitable niche market for their organic Dexter beef.
Health & Healing: Pesticide Safety Unproven
You might be surprised to learn that there is no scientific proof of safety for the majority of the pesticides, additives or chemicals that companies put in food and body care and household products. Most are not tested, and when there is testing, it is misses the vast majority of diseases at the normal rates at which they occur due to faulty protocols.
Reviews & Recommendations
From in-depth book reviews to innovative websites and beyond, here’s what’s on our radar.
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Meet an Eco-Farmer
Get to know fellow innovative farmers putting ecologically correct production principles to work, resulting in profitable, sustainable operations.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.