Food Crash


"Organic? That's nice as a luxury for the rich. But now it's getting serious. Almost seven billion people have to be fed, and the number is constantly increasing. Now production has to be industrial: with pesticides, artificial fertilizers, genetic engineering!" This theory sounds like common sense! But is it really accurate? Or are we falling prey to the agricultural industry, for which world hunger is the basis for a flourishing business in pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified seeds?

In his book FOOD Crash, the internationally respected organic farming expert Felix zu Löwenstein makes it clear that industrial agriculture based on the overuse of resources is not a solution but a dead end. It is not the lack of increased production but the wasteful use of food, the destruction of our natural resources, and a lack of justice that are leading to the collapse of the global food system. With his pointed thesis, “We will either eat organically or not eat at all,” Löwenstein does not paint any apocalyptic pessimism. Rather, he uses exciting and lively examples to show how, in harmony with nature - and thus sustainably - it can be possible to secure humanity's nutritional basis. And he describes which levers of political and private action must be put into motion to achieve this.

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