December 2017 Issue PDF
The Acres U.S.A. December 2017 issue; Vol. 47, No. 12; contains the following:
Work Smarter, Not Harder
by Shawndra Miller
Ben Hartman has embraced efficiency as a central key to farming success by putting “lean” principles into action.
Where are the Minerals?
by Gary F. Zimmer
Instead of spending time and money chasing magic biologicals, foliars or plant protection, first focus on feeding your crop a balance of minerals to prevent problems from arising.
Understanding Soil Carbon Dynamics
by Caitlin Youngquist, Ph.D.
As you manage soil N, P and K for maximum crop production, consider ways to manage C too. The long-term benefits will be well worth the investment.
Diversity: Building a Symphony
by Leigh Glenn
Maryland farmer Heinz Thomet is committed to growing nourishing food in harmony with nature.
Preserving Our Pollinators
by Jill Henderson
Natural beekeeping advocate Dr. Leo Sharashkin shares insights into how farmers can support pollinator populations.
Define, Measure & Manage
by Neal Kinsey
By using detailed measurements and specifically formulated procedures for controlling nutrient excesses and deficiencies in soils, it is possible to define, measure and manage soil fertility to grow high-quality crops.
A Crop Steeped in Tradition
by Klas Lundstrom
Journey to South America and get an insider’s view into the people growing, processing and distributed yerba mate.
Inviting In the Wild
by Barbara Berst Adams
Farmers and wild nature are vulnerable, and like any good partnership, the union can truly sustain itself when each partner receives support from the other.
Golden Rules of Composting
by Helmut Schimmel
Helmut Schimmel shares five rules on conventional composting and discusses how those roles are applied to vermicomposting.
Ranching for Better Soil
by Sarah Peters
Ranchers reap rewards when they make soil health a key component of their land and animal management strategy.
Tap into NRCS Programs
by Chris Persaud
Looking to add infrastructure to your farm or ranch? The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service can lend a helping hand.
Interview: André Leu
Expanding Organic Agriculture
Farmer, author and international organic authority André Leu discusses the expanding scope of global regenerative agriculture and its existing challenges.
View from the Country
Letters to the Editor
Opinion: Degeneration Nation
Ronnie Cummins connects the dots between factory farms, Roundup, GMOs and fake ‘natural’ foods.
News in brief from around the world on developments in eco-farming technology, organic food and farming, human health and vital environmental issues.
Science on Your Side
Acres U.S.A. highlights recent research and what it means for you.
The Harvest Table
Food Foray: Harvesting, Using Wild Grapes
From avoiding crafty look-a-likes, to proper cleaning and preserving, Jill Henderson will help you perfect your wild grape kitchen game.
Stock & Flock
Poultry Hacks for the No-Fuss Flock
Kelly Klober gives time-tested tips for keeping your poultry in tip-top shape.
Small-Scale Success
Manage for Success, Longevity
Farmer David Hambleton has mastered not only the science and art of growing healthy organic produce, but also the business of managing people.
Reviews & Recommendations
From in-depth book reviews to innovative websites and beyond, here’s what’s on our radar.
Meet an Eco-Farmer
Customer Reviews
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.