Cerebral Ranching
Cerebral Ranching is a collection of bite-sized bits of management philosophy – along with corresponding practices – that work together to improve the ecological, the financial, and the human aspects of ranching.
It is not a "how to" book but rather an attempt to help managers use logic to replace the multitude of inputs – all expensive, most toxic – deemed necessary by the proponents of modern agricultural technology. It recommends a holistic (all inclusive) type of management, with examples of individual practices that support holistic management.
The purpose of the book is not to advocate some utopian dream world, but rather to show how ranching can be (and is in some cases) a powerful factor for regenerative natural resources while producing economic profit, and being a good way to live and raise a family.
232 pages. Softcover.
About Walt Davis
Walt was born into a ranching family and spent his working life on family ranches in Texas and Oklahoma. After five years of study at Texas A&M, his real education began with the realization that, "You are the manager, if it doesn't work, it is your fault." The second and more important bit of knowledge came with the comprehension that nature had been doing a very good job of managing resources for a long time and was an excellent model to follow.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.