Vail Dixon: The Soil Solutions (SOIL-utions) to Weedy Pastures MP3
Learn how to work with nature and use the weeds in your pasture to radically improve your soil.
Get to the root of your weed problem and heal your soil — naturally! Did you know that you can prevent weed germination, instead of fighting them once they are dominating? Learn how you can use wastes you already have to quickly change the soil in your weediest areas to increase diversity and boost health. Know how to feed the soil so that you can grow what you want. The secret is in the soil!
Vail Dixon is a regenerative farmer and holistic grazing mentor and founder of Simple Soil Solutions, Grazing Power, Grow Your Soil, and ABC Beef (About Being Conscious Grass Beef). Vail intensively researches and demonstrates ways to repair damaged soil biologically, and economically, fostering a connection between soil, plant, animal, ecosystem and human health.
1 hour, 5 minutes (23.4 MB)
Recorded at the 2018 Acres U.S.A. Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, Dec. 4-7, 2018.
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