All 2018 Acres U.S.A. Conference Lecture & Workshop Audio Downloadable MP3s
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A lineup so helpful and so unique, you won’t find it anywhere else.
With a total of 45 audio lectures covering more than 50 hours of information covering all aspects of modern agriculture, it includes proven tactics from leaders in the industry to new-age ecological growing ideas to helpful seminars on how to navigate the current organic market, this set should pay for itself in no time. Learn from Gabe Brown, John Kempf, Nicole Delcogliano, Eliot Coleman, Joel Salatin, Don Huber, Leilani Zimmer Durand, Mark Shepard and many more. Recorded live Dec. 5-7, 2018, in Louisville, Kentucky.
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Here is the audio available in this one-of-a-kind set:
Eliot Coleman: 50 Years of Organic Agriculture
Joel Salatin: Can We Feed the World?
Daniela Ibarra-Howell: Rebuilding & Nurturing True Wealth
Nick Barnard: Love Your Biomes
Edwin Blosser: Creating Humus-Rich Soil with Compost
Nicolette Hahn Niman, Gabe Brown, Fred Provenza & Charles Massy: Panel on Breaking Down Barriers in Agriculture
Mike Callicrate: Building a Healthy, Humane, and Fair Food System
Nicole DelCogliano: Holistic Goal Setting
Steve Diver: Soil Testing and Mineral Balancing for Nutrient-Dense Crops
Steve Diver: Biodynamic Agriculture: A Legacy of Quantum Physics and Advanced Humus Farming
Vail Dixon: So You Want to be Organic AND No-Till
Vail Dixon: The Soil Solutions (SOIL-ution) to Weedy Pastures
Vail Dixon: Soil Strategies to Reduce Weeds
Paul Dorrance: Leveraging Your Animals’ Movement: Lessons in Grazing Strategies
Paul Dorrance: Using Multi-Species Synergies to Your Advantage
Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin: Poultry-Centered Regenerative Agriculture
Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin: Building a Regenerative Agriculture Industry
Julia Hofmeister: The Market Outlook for Organic & Non-GMO Growers
Dr. Don Huber: The 2018 Update on GMOs
John Kempf: Prioritizing On-Farm Strategies
Live Podcast: Biological Breeding
Dan Kittredge: Bionutrient-Rich Food Principles
Dan Kittredge: Defining Food Quality: Tools, Science and Collaboration
Matthew D. Kleinhenz, Ph.D.: What Sustainable-Organic Vegetable Growers Should Know About Grafting
Matthew D. Kleinhenz, Ph.D.: What Sustainable-Organic Vegetable Growers Should Know About Grafting, Part 2 DEMO
Matthew D. Kleinhenz, Ph.D.: Biofertilizers in Your Farming Toolbox
Hugh Lovel: Subtle Energies, State of the Arts
Hugh Lovel: Subtle Energies in Agriculture
Pamela Marrone: Bio-Based Solutions for Pest Management
Judith McGeary: Government Policy and What it Means
Jeff Moyer: Understanding Regenerative Organic Certification
Kris Nichols: Regenerating Resilient Soils Through Soil Biology
Glen Rabenberg: Decoding the Connection Between Soil and Animal Nutrition
Brendon Rockey: Biotic Farming Fundamentals: Comprehending the Carbon Cycle to Support a Healthy Farm System
Brendon Rockey: Biotic Farming Applications at Scale
Joel Salatin: Who is Going to Help Me?
Mark Shepard: Water Management on My Farm
Steve Tucker: No-Till and Cover Cropping
Aaron Weaver & Raymond Yoder Jr.: Strategies for Organic Vegetable Production
Wayne Wengerd: A Case Study in Cooperation
Dr. Nasha Winters: Restoring Our Rhythms: Strategies for Thriving in Modern Times
Gary Zimmer: Biofarming, Beyond the Basics
Leilani Zimmer Durand: Building Your Microbe Bridge
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