Dr. Nasha Winters: Restoring Our Rhythms: Strategies for Thriving in Modern Times MP3
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Studies show that paying attention to our circadian rhythms is critical to treatment and prevention of disease. Reconnecting with this rhythm allows one to better take cues from the external environment. Dr. Nasha Winters brings her 25-plus years of experience in the Integrative Oncology world to bridge the gap between research and the reality. The intention of this presentation is to take a deep dive into circadian rhythm biology and help folks find their way back to a more balanced way of being on the planet today. Participants will gain clarity in how to assess their own circadian rhythm and understand the importance of taking steps required to prevent further imbalance in their circadian rhythm biology.
Dr. Nasha Winters ND, FABNO, L.Ac, Dipl.OM is the visionary and CEO as well as best-selling author, lecturer, and the primary consultant of Optimal TerrainTM. Passionate about nourishing, quality food and its implications in healing or poisoning the body while targeting many of the processes that drive cancer and chronic illness, Dr. Nasha Winters, along with her co-author Jess Higgins Kelley, MNT authored the book, The Metabolic Approach to Cancer as it serves as the foundation in which Optimal Terrain approaches each and every client.
56 minutes (20.3 MB)
Recorded at the 2018 Acres U.S.A. Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, Dec. 4-7, 2018.
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