June 2018 Issue PDF
The Acres U.S.A. June 2018 issue; Vol. 48, No. 6; contains the following:
Mindful in Maine
by Tamara Scully
Tide Mill Organic Farm reflects the desire to nurture the land, keeping the soil, plants and animals healthy naturally; and the need to rejuvenate the farming community, support the local economy and educate consumers about local food.
From Pasture to Porch
by Jill Henderson
Leslie Moore is a third-generation Midwestern farmer raising the bar for regenerative agriculture and quality pastured craft meats.
Animal Welfare on the Farm
by Allie Hymas
While many farms have implemented rigorous ethical standards in their livestock management for years, their products may have been overlooked or under-valued because they lack labeling. Get the lowdown on four popular animal welfare certification programs.
Getting Your Goat(s)
by Barbara Berst Adams
If you are thinking about adding goats to your farm, consider these four lesser-known breeds: Pygora, colored Angora, Nigerian Dwarf and San Clemente Island.
Super Grazers & High-Quality Dairying
by Francesca Camillo
Reared in Pennsylvania’s Lancaster County, Dr. Mark Lopez returned to the family farm in Yellow House, Pennsylvania, to launch Wholesome Dairy Farms.
Spent Grains as Animal Feed
by Luke Eising
Microbreweries are springing up across America. This boom has created a by-product bonanza for small farmers because the spent brewer’s grain can often be obtained for free or little cost and used as livestock feed.
Top 10 Reasons to Raise & Eat Meat
by Spencer & Abbey Smith
Not only are pastured livestock important to the health of the ecosystem, meat from these animals is a true superfood.
CSA-ish: Ideology & Origins
by Leah & Jessie Smith
In part one of this two-part article, Michigan farmers Leah & Jessie Smith discuss both the ideology and origins of Community Supported Agriculture in America.
Interview: Joseph Heckman, Ph.D.
Raw Milk for Real Health, Wealth
Soil Scientist, Author Joseph Heckman Examines the State of Raw Milk Dairying & Challenges to Consumer Choice
View from the Country
Monthly musings from Acres U.S.A.’s publisher.
Letters to the Editor
Readers share their thoughts on past articles and words of encouragement.
Opinion: The Next Generation of Sustainable Farmers
A young farmer-to-be in New York shares his thoughts on sustainability and the future of eco-agriculture.
News in brief from around the world on developments in eco-farming technology, organic food and farming, human health and vital environmental issues.
Science on Your Side
Acres U.S.A. highlights recent research and what it means for you.
The Harvest Table
In the final part of this three-part series of articles, Wisconsin farmer Andrew French explores the ethics, ecology and economy of raising and eating animals.
Stock & Flock: Holistic Herd Management
Veterinarian and author Hue Karreman, V.M.D., discusses holistic animal care and how producers can improve the health and vitality of their livestock.
Small-Scale Success: Build a Portable Chicken Shelter
Missouri stockman and author Kelly Klober provides plans for a DIY chicken ark for pastured birds.
Reviews & Recommendations
From in-depth book reviews to innovative websites and beyond, here’s what’s on our radar.
We let you know when and where exciting eco-farming events are happening.
Meet an Eco-Farmer
Get to know fellow innovative farmers putting ecologically correct production principles to work, resulting in profitable, sustainable operations.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.