Homeopathy in Organic Livestock Production
By applying the principles of homeopathy to organic livestock production, you can impact the health of animal species in a way that the effects are seen and felt far beyond the patient. Written for both organic farmers and homeopaths, Dupree in a logical and comprehensive way, has created a comprehensive and indispensible guide for the application of homeopathy on sustainable livestock farms.
Going beyond homeopathic theory and philosophy, Homeopathy in Organic Livestock Production contains an extensive discussion of the most common maladies that will help readers recognize symptom complexes and take logical steps so you can move from patient to remedy, regardless of the species, ailment or the type of farm involved -- even if a diagnosis is not known. A valuable resource for organic farmers, the book also contains the most common homeopathic remedies and their specific uses for livestock.
Copyright 2010, softcover, 176 pages. 56 per case.
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