The Calendar of the Year-Round Grazier
What does it take to be a year-round grazier?
Steve Kenyon shows you how to keep your production up along with your profits every month of the year. Although his grazing season is only four months long in Canada, he explains how to extend your grazing season and manage grazing in the snow with bale and swath grazing.
The Calendar of the Year-Round Grazier takes you month-by-month with planning, and an understanding of production and how it is driven by economics and finances. Economics are evaluated using a Gross Margin Analysis while finance is the ability to cash flow. Before making any production decisions both factors need to be weighed to determine whether the decision is a good one or not in order to remain profitable.
All successful agricultural businesses start with good management, and good communication within a business is essential for success. This book explains:
- The importance of human resources,
- Cash flow and Gross Margin Analysis,
- Grazing principles for year-round profit,
- How to prepare for swath and bale grazing,
- ... and more!
Kenyon offers insight into his custom grazing operation of 1,200 head on leased land, and shares mistakes he has made and how they have become learning experiences. This book is for the beginner as well as the experienced grazier interested in maintaining profit year-round.
Copyright 2019. 69 pages. Softcover.
About the Author
Steve Kenyon owns Greener Pastures Ranching Ltd., a custom grazing business in Alberta, Canada. He has been teaching sustainable grazing management for more than 12 years and has been a keynote speaker throughout Canada and the U.S.A. He contributes to The Stockman Grass Farmer magazine and Canadian Cattleman magazine. His down-to-earth, common sense approach to farm business management is the subject of his "Year-Round Grazing Systems" business management course.
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