Jerry Brunetti: The Conundrum of Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease has become a curse of farmers nationwide. Jerry Brunetti's studies into livestock and human health has long centered on holism and considerations of the whole organism. In this timely lecture Brunetti will pass along what he's learned about Lyme Disease, a tormenting attacker of the body with infection rates now almost epidemic. He speaks from firsthand knowledge as he fights Lyme himself. He will discuss how the invader hides within the body, its modes of action, and discuss conventional and alternative protocols for relief from the symptoms of a Lyme flare-up and how to beat back the offending organism itself. Brunetti will detail the science, the implications, tests you can have done, and steps you can take for your own personal health.
Jerry Brunetti is managing director of Agri-Dynamics Inc., a 30-year-old firm that specializes in the formulation and production of nutritional and holistic health products for farm livestock, equine, pets and humans, as well as an ecological line of pest control products for horticulture, agriculture, landscaping and turf. Jerry was an animal science major at North Carolina State University, owned a cow-calf operation in western Virginia, and was a milk marketing manager for the National Farmers Organization. He consults on wide-ranging topics including soils, forages, and holistic healing modalities for livestock and humans and contends there are curiously similar dynamics at work through nature and across breeds and even species. He now lectures around the world. He is a frequent contributor to Acres U.S.A.
Recorded Saturday, December, 14, 2013
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.