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Eco-Ag Conference Audio & Video

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Paul Dorrance MP3: Rotational Grazing 101

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Paul Dorrance

$7.99 $20.00
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Noel Garcia MP3: Plant Stress Test: Biotics and Abiotic Stress Mitigation Through Plant Nutrition

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Noel Garcia

$7.99 $20.00
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Dr. Andrew Smith MP3: How Rodale’s Field Trials Can Inform Your Transition

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Dr. Andrew Smith

$7.99 $20.00
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Scott Denning MP3: The Three S's of Climate Change

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Scott Denning

$7.99 $20.00
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Carey Gillam MP3: Unraveling Dependence on Chemical Agriculture

Carey Gillam

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$7.99 $20.00
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Ben Adolph: Biological Farming Principles in Practice MP3

Ben Adolph

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$7.99 $20.00
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Glen Rabenberg: Decoding the Connection Between Soil and Animal Nutrition MP3

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Glen Rabenberg

$7.99 $20.00
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Pamela Marrone: Bio-Based Solutions for Pest Management MP3

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Pamela Marrone

$7.99 $20.00
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Hugh Lovel: Subtle Energies, State of the Arts MP3

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Hugh Lovel

$7.99 $20.00
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Matthew D. Kleinhenz, Ph.D.: Biofertilizers in Your Farming Toolbox MP3

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Matthew D. Kleinhenz

$7.99 $20.00
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Dr. Vandana Shiva, Evening Keynote: Farming and Food: Two Futures MP3

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Dr. Vandana Shiva

$7.99 $20.00
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Charles Walters: The Real Objective of Food Production MP3

Charles Walters

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$7.99 $20.00
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Larry Zibilski, Ph.D.: Enhancing the Environment of Plant Roots MP3

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Larry Zibilski

$7.99 $20.00
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Larry Zibilske: Water As It Relates to Use Efficiency, Soil Fertility and Crop Yields MP3

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Larry Zibilski

$7.99 $20.00
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Charles Walters: Macro Trends, Micro Events in Eco-Agriculture and U.S. History MP3

Charles Walters

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$7.99 $20.00
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Andy Hupp: Navigating Organic Certification MP3

Andy Hupp

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$7.99 $20.00
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Steve Gabriel MP3: Building a Silvopasture System

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Steve Gabriel

$7.99 $20.00
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Anne Biklé MP3: The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health

Anne Bikle

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$7.99 $20.00
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Dave Steinhauser MP3: Pastured Pork, Simplified

Dave Steinhauser

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$7.99 $20.00
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Gary Zimmer MP3: Obtaining Healthy, Mineralized, High-Producing Crops

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Gary Zimmer

$7.99 $20.00
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Edwin Blosser MP3: Building Humus in Your Soil

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Edwin Blosser

$7.99 $20.00
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Paul Dorrance MP3: Using Multi-Species Synergies to Your Advantage

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Paul Dorrance

$7.99 $20.00
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Bob Quinn MP3: Lessons in the Changing the Future of Our Food

Bob Quinn

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$7.99 $20.00
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Judith McGeary: Food Freedom: Opportunities and Challenges for Producers MP3

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Judith McGeary

$5.60 $8.00

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