The Biological Farmer (2nd Edition)
Biological farmers work with nature, feeding soil life, balancing soil minerals and tilling soils with a purpose. The methods they apply involve a unique system of beliefs, observations and guidelines that result in increased production and profit. This practical how-to guide explains their methods and will help you make farming profitable and fun. Biological farming does not mean less production; it means eliminating obstacles to healthy, efficient production. Once the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil are in balance, you can expect optimal outputs, even in bad years. Biological farming improves the environment, reduces erosion, reduces disease and insect problems, and alters weed pressure and it accomplishes this by working in harmony with nature.
In this greatly expanded, revised edition of a modern farming classic, Gary Zimmer draws on a lifetime of farming experience and adds in the latest science and experience on modern issues facing farmers including the impact of GMOs, herbicide-resistant weeds, and more. For decades, Gary Zimmer has been developing new ways to engage and support soil life. His system feeds soil microbes, balances soil minerals, promotes tillage with a purpose, and relies on both cover crops and diverse rotations.
Copyright 2017, softcover, 518 pages. 20 per case.
Learn on Gary's farm in person this summer!
The 2022 Acres U.S.A. On-Farm Intensive with Zimmer Ag puts attendees on the farm and in the field with experts Gary Zimmer and his daughter Leilani Zimmer Durand. Taking place Aug. 22-23, 2022.
You will be part of a small group on a two-day educational journey at the Zimmers' famous Otter Creek Organic Farm near Lone Rock, Wisconsin. Workshops will demonstrate best practices for cover crops, soil testing, field preparation, equipment/tillage, weed & pest management, fertilizer programs, livestock integration and more. You will walk away with clear, next steps to improve your land’s value and potential.
Learn more about this amazing opportunity here.
Biological farmer meaning
biological farming vs organic farming
biological farming examples
definition of organic farming
neolithic agriculture
agroecological farming
biologically grown
nature farming
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