Neal Kinsey: Adverse Weather and Crops - When Can Fertility Make a Difference? MP3
Neal Kinsey, a Missouri-based soil fertility consultant with clients worldwide, provides real, hands-on case reports illustrating how building up soil fertility and providing foliar plant nutrients at the right time helps create resilience for producing better crops when growing conditions become unstable. The presentation will focus on both persistent and shifting weather patterns and provide information regarding field proven immediate and long-range solutions. Learn how balancing soil elements creates a dynamic soil capable of literally “weathering the storm.”
(24 MB) (1 hour, 6 minutes, 2 seconds) Recorded at the 2017 Acres U.S.A. Conference, Columbus, Ohio, Thursday, December 7, 2017.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.