Tim Reinbott, Ph.D., Validating Albrecht's Work in Modern Day: Improved Crop Nutrition & Soil Health MP3
Dr. Tim Reinbott's research team broke down Dr. Albrecht’s recommendations and tested each individually and together. The complete recommendation resulted in the highest yield of corn and soybean and forage. Corn grain quality was higher and forage nutritional quality was greater when the Albrecht system followed, the role of sulfur and other nutrients on quality. Why does yield increase? Better soil health: chemical, biological and physical attributes. The Albrecht method improves soil chemistry and results in an increase in soil biology which in turn increases soil physical properties such as aggregate stability. Does the percent base saturation of calcium and magnesium really make a difference? Yes. How? Tim will also present video demonstrations that show how the base saturation of calcium and magnesium can change soil properties.
(24.00 MB) (1 hour, 9 minutes, 55 seconds) Recorded at the 2017 Acres U.S.A. Conference, Columbus, Ohio, Friday, December 8, 2017.
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