All 2017 Conference MP3 Download
Download all 2017 Lecture & Workshop MP3s
All workshops recorded Dec. 6-8, 2017, in Columbus, Ohio. Download them to your phone, computer and desktop.
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WEDNESDAY December 6, 2017
Composting Made Simple, by Edwin Blosser
Introduction to Principles of Biodynamics in the Field, by Patricia Frazier
Soil and Hair Mineral Analysis, by Dr. Richard Olree
Evening Keynote: The Liquid Carbon Pathway and Common Mycorrhizal Networks, by Dr. Christine Jones
THURSDAY, December 7, 2017
Recycling NPK and Trace Minerals - Nature tells the Truth, by Paul Deckard
Health on the Farm, by Dr. Arden Andersen
Steps to Growing High-Quality Produce While Increasing Organic Matter, by Mike and Will Brownback
Uncovering the Truth About GMOs, by Prof. Don Huber
Balanced Plant Nutrition for Limiting and Remediating Crop Stress, by Noel Garcia
Fungal Consciousness, by Michael Phillips
Ecological Aquaculture, by Wayne Dorband
Food Freedom: Opportunities & Challenges for Producers, by Judith McGeary
Increasing Profits With Regenerative Agriculture, by John Kempf
Alternatives to Pesticides, by André Leu
Hitting Your Target with Holistic Management, by Kirk Gadzia
Your Hormones — the Truths and Myths, by Lisa Everett Andersen
How Consumer Education and Marketplace Pressure Can Help Drive the Transition to Regenerative Food, Farming, and Land Use, by Ronnie Cummins
Poultry-Centered Regenerative Agriculture, by Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin
Three Keys to Easy-Keeping Cattle, by Steve Campbell
What Organic Buyers Are Looking For, by Thea O’Carroll
Adverse Weather and Crops — When Can Fertility Make a Difference?, by Neal Kinsey
Modern, Family Farm-Scale Pastured Pork Production, by Ross Duffield
Your Microbiome: You Are What You Eat ... and What Your Food Eats, by Dr. Nasha Winters
Evening Keynote: Farming and Food: Two Futures, by Dr. Vandana Shiva
FRIDAY, December 8, 2017
Impact of Organic Inputs on Soil Health in Organic Production, by Dan Davidson
Minerals for Healthy Soil, by Gary Zimmer
Defining Tillage by Measures of Soil Health, by Jim Martindale
Transitioning to Biodynamics on Conventional or Organic Farms, by Patricia Frazier
Featured Plenary Panel: Regenerative Organic Agriculture — Connecting the Dots, by Dr. Vandana Shiva, Ronnie Cummins and André Leu Moderated by Fred Walters
Regenerative Organic Standard: A Framework for the Future, by Jeff Moyer
Validating Albrecht's Work in Modern Day: Improved Crop Nutrition & Soil Health, by Tim Reinbott, Ph.D.
Wake Up Your Soil with Weeds, by Vail Dixon
Balancing Your Soil to Maximize Nutrient Availability, by Leilani Zimmer Durand
Navigating Organic Certification, by Andy Hupp
Achieving Tender & Flavorful Beef on the Hoof, by Steve Campbell
Honey Bee Colonies as Livestock: Managing Beekeeping Expectations, by Dave Noble
Farm & Ranch Water Management: Keyline, Contours and Swales, Oh My!, by Mark Shepard
Enhancing the Environment of Plant Roots: Managing Nutrient Uptake & Microbial Relationships, Larry Zibilske, Ph.D.
Nature’s Balance — Recovering from Genetic Modification, Wil Spencer
Big Questions about Microscopic Crop (and Grower?) Partners, Matthew Kleinhenz
Evening Keynote: Finding Hope in Regenerative Agriculture, Courtney White
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.