Salad Bar Beef
Creative alternatives for an industry in trouble. Joel Salatin’s “Salad Bar Beef” program is a proven prototype that can make a superb profit from a small cow herd regardless of the commodity price of calves. His innovative program offers hope to rural communities, to struggling row-crop farmers, and to frustrated beef eaters who do not want to encourage desertification, air and water pollution, environmental degradation and inhumane animal treatment.
Complete how-to guide for successfully, profitably entering the natural, grass-fed beef business. Anyone who has either heard Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm speak or seen his operation can vouch for the fact that he knows his subject, is a true innovator, and is willing to teach it all — nothing held back — for those willing to learn.
Copyright 1995, softcover, 368 pages.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.