A Biodynamic Manual
This fully illustrated, comprehensive manual provides the answers for anyone already practicing, or newly turning to biodynamic gardening and farming. A Biodynamic Manual is filled with the technical aspects of biodynamic growing and also includes tips on the human qualities necessary for biodynamic agriculture to succeed. Covers all aspects of making and using biodynamic preparations and composts, managing the health of plants, weed and parasite control, issues dealing with mixed cultivation, animal care, specialized crops and planting instructions. The author, who has farmed biodynamically for over 20 years in France, shares his broad and practical vision of biodynamics in this book.
Copyright 2011, 2014, softcover, 309 pages, from United Kingdom.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.