2016 Acres U.S.A. Digital Magazine Issue Collection
Just $3.00 per issue for downloadable issues. Save 50 percent off the regular price!
Download all 12 issues published in 2016 from Acres U.S.A., including special issues on soil, seeds and homesteading. Find articles on livestock, soil vitality, farm management, soil-to-health connections, interviews with newsmakers and more than 1,200 pages of information on eco-farming and modern agriculture techniques. For just $36, you will find information that will allow you a return on your investment immediately.
Or, choose to also receive your 2016 collection on a DVD or custom Acres U.S.A. USB drive for just $1 more per issue. You will still get the 12 download files, but also receive the issue copies as PDFs on a USB thumb drive or DVD, for $48, or more than 33% off the cover price.
Copyright 2016.
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.