Richard Holliday: Back to the Basics — A Unified Look at Holistic Animal Health
Join this pioneering holistic veterinarian to learn how to find true health for your farm animals through nature-friendly feeding and protocols. Beginning with a brief view of the history of the holistic/organic farming movement and a look at some of the pioneers upon whose shoulder we all stand today, he will then discuss:
The role of soil health and nutrition to animal health. The damaging effects of domestication and confinement. Do germs cause disease? The role of genetics in animal health. Inter-species relationships and immunity. Various tips and techniques to work with the innate physiology of animals to improve their health and performance. Learn valuable takeaway lessons from this longtime leader in organic thought.
Richard “Doc” Holliday was first exposed to alternative agriculture in the 1940s by Louis Bromfield's books. He later studied at the University of Missouri under the renowned Prof. William Albrecht, who enlarged his knowledge of the relationship between soil fertility and animal health. He recalls that one of Albrecht's favorite sayings was, "Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." He operated a private mixed veterinary practice in northwest Missouri for 25 years, always testing the principles of organic farming and holistic animal health he learned from Bromfield, Albrecht, and clients. During this time he encountered the concept of feeding self regulated individual minerals. For two decades he worked with Impro Products, and consulted on animal health issues with organic dairies throughout the country. He now serves as senior veterinary consultant for Helfter Feeds, Inc. of Osco, Illinois.
(1 hour, 5 minutes, 1 second) Recorded Friday, December 13, 2013
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.