Steve Diver: Biodynamic Agriculture: A Legacy of Quantum Physics and Advanced Humus Farming MP3
Biodynamic farming is known for its keen insights into producing superb food quality in alternative farming circles, but remains an enigma to many American farmers. This session will review the historical foundations and modern applications of biodynamic agriculture and how it can improve soil and crop vitality on your farm. Biodynamics has a rich history of working with soil humus and microbiology, while also integrating bio-energetic or dynamic practices. A hallmark of biodynamics is the use of qualitative bio-assay tests to assess improvements in soils, composts, and food.
Steve Diver is the Farm Superintendent at the Horticulture Research Farm, University of Kentucky. He is a graduate of Oklahoma State University with B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in horticulture.
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