Paul Dorrance Audio: Diversifying Your Farm Through Livestock Integration
Paul Dorrance
Recorded live at the 2021 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show in Covington, Kentucky, Dec. 6-9, 2021.
Diversity is a linchpin concept for regenerative agriculture, allowing farmers to mitigate risk, augment income streams, and capitalize on symbiotic relationships. Both ecological and economic benefits are ripe for the harvest, yet animal agriculture is often completely overlooked by fruit, produce and grain growers, and plenty of single-enterprise livestock ranchers stand to benefit from multi-species synergies as well. Discuss how to leverage animal impact within your existing operation and learn how to properly account for multiple income streams by applying the principle of diversity through livestock integration.
Audio • 40 minutes • Downloadable MP3 file after checkout
My Farmer, My Customer
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