Pamela Marrone: Bio-Based Solutions for Pest Management USB/CD
As growers seek to increase pest resistance, regulations on environmental and worker safety become more stringent, and consumers demand safer, more sustainable, and organic food, biologicals (biopesticides and biostimulants) are enjoying an increasingly prominent role in crop protection programs. In fact, they are the fastest growing category of crop inputs. The evolution of biologicals as a more trusted and reliable tool in a grower’s toolbox, however, would not have been possible without advances in science, technology and manufacturing processes that have made biologicals more effective. There is a parallel explosion of agricultural technology tools that are being integrated to increase the reliability and sustainability of crop production and pest management systems. New delivery methods for pheromones, trap cropping combined with a bioinsecticide, characterization of the soil microbiome, drone spraying, robotic weeders, and spectral imaging of pest and pathogen outbreaks are just a few of the exciting tools here today. The majority of growers may have heard the terms “biopesticides” or “biologicals,” but may be unclear on their modes of action and when and how to use them successfully in integrated pest management and crop production programs. This talk will outline the foundational concepts of the biologicals category, discuss how and when to use them and illustrate some of the exciting new developments.
Pamela Marrone is CEO/Founder of Marrone Bio Innovations (MBI), a company she started in 2006 to discover and develop bio‐based products for pest management and plant health. She has a B.S. in entomology with Honors and Distinction from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in entomology from North Carolina State University.
1 hour, 4 minutes (23.1 MB). Delivered on USB or CD.
Recorded at the 2018 Acres U.S.A. Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, Dec. 4-7, 2018.
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