Leilani Zimmer Durand: Building Your Microbe Bridge USB/CD
Microbes are essential for bridging the gap between minerals in the soil and available nutrients taken in by plant roots. The soil may be abundant in minerals, but that doesn’t mean your plants can get to those needed nutrients without some help. In this session, Leilani Zimmer Durand will talk about some of the key functions microbes perform in making soil minerals available for plants, and what you as a farmer can do to support the microbial diversity and balance most beneficial for your crops.
Leilani Zimmer Durand is Vice President of Education Initiatives at Midwestern BioAg where she heads the training and education programs and works closely with the R&D team. Since joining the company in 2006, Leilani has authored numerous articles and a biological farming book with her father, Gary Zimmer, and speaks both nationally and internationally on the connection between healthy soils and healthy, high-yielding crops.
53 minutes (19.1 MB). Delivered on USB or CD.
Recorded at the 2018 Acres U.S.A. Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, Dec. 4-7, 2018.
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