John Ikerd Audio: Building Back Resilient Agriculture Communities
John Ikerd
Recorded live at the 2021 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show in Covington, Kentucky, Dec. 6-9, 2021.
The demise of family farms, pollution of air and water with agricultural waste, and decaying rural communities are all legacies of agricultural industrialization. Once thriving, vibrant farming communities have been transformed into blighted rural areas. However, there is a growing public awareness that something is fundamentally wrong with today’s agri-food system. This concern has been reflected in the emergence of organic and local foods movements and in the resurgence of regenerative agriculture. To succeed, alternative ways of farming must avoid the pitfalls of industrial agriculture and do the things it has failed to do. And if they succeed, they can provide an ecological, social, and economic foundation upon which to build back resilient agricultural communities.
Audio • 1 hour, 34 minutes • Downloadable MP3 file after checkout
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.