Organic No-Till Farming
Organic No-Till Farming offers a map to an organic farming system that limits tillage, reduces labor, and improves soil structure. Based on the latest research by pioneering agriculturists, this book by Rodale Institute's CEO Jeff Moyer offers new technologies and tools based on sound biological principles, making it possible to reduce and even eliminate tillage. Field-tested over many seasons, these methods make cover crops into a source of fertility as well as a tool for weed management. As traditional tillage turns into rotational tillage, natural soil biology is maximized and synthetic inputs are minimized. For organic farmers who want to refine their practices and conventional farmers interested in new ideas, Organic No-Till Farming is indispensable.
Copyright 2011, softcover, 204 pages. 24 per case.
Jeff Moyer in His Own Words
Listen to this Tractor Time podcast episode with Jeff Moyer – which features his speech at the 2018 Eco-Ag Conference.
His talk at our conference was aimed at helping farmers see the future of the organic certification industry, and how words like “regenerative” and “sustainable” are already being fought about in the advertising board rooms across the world.
Listen here, or anywhere you get your podcasts, including – iTunes, Spotify and Podbean.
Customer Reviews
My Farmer, My Customer
New! Learn from Marty Travis's experiences converting the Spence Farm into one of the most successful farming co-ops in the United States today.